Family Training Programs
Family Table helps parents and teenagers (12-17) learn how to communicate effectively and resolve everyday issues.
While Family Table is an intervention program, it is also preventive. Each family is unique in family organization, relationship dynamics, and cultures, yet they share a common need for better communication. A unique component of the program is that the sessions are divided between family and teen nights. On teen nights, youth are able to learn skills without their parents present and on family nights everyone learns the material together.
“I love the togetherness we feel!”
“I’m talking to my mom again after going to Family Table.”
Trainings for Youth and Those Who Work with Youth
In Schools:
- Restorative Justice for Schools (More Info)
- Conflict Management and Communication Skills
- Conflict Resolution for Educators
- Mediation and facilitation for students
- Mediation and facilitation for staff
In the community:
- Mediation Skills (More Info)
- Conflict Resolution and Communication Skills
- Group Leadership Skills, Including Circle Facilitation
- Presentations for public housing neighborhoods, after-school programs, university groups, congregations, parents, summer camp
“The very high level of engagement of our students in your presentation — and what may not have been as evident was that a number of those students were of the too-cool-for-school variety and as such, are not easily engaged in such a public setting — was the highest testimony one could give.”
Representative Clients
- Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools
- Orange County Schools
- Durham Academy
- Durham Public Schools
- Chatham County Schools
- Boomerang
- Carolina Friends School
- Department of Public Instruction
- Loaves and Fishes
- NC Association of School Social Workers
- Pines of North Carolina Girl Scouts
- Planned Parenthood of North Carolina
For more information contact Will Dudenhausen at or Val Hanson at