Restorative Practices focus on building community, strengthening relationships, and responding to and repairing harm. DSC supports restorative practices in school, courts, organizations, and the community.
Restorative Practices in Schools
Do threats of punishment deter discipline problems? Does punishment change behavior? For some kids it does. For many it does not, and, exclusionary discipline disrupts the school community. Restorative practices support real accountability and meaningful connections.
Schools committed to Restorative Practices report:
- Dramatically improved school climate and culture
- Significantly lower rates of suspensions and expulsions
- Higher academic achievement and test scores
We offer training in proactive and responsive Restorative Practices, as well as facilitation services.
“Using Circles has helped us form meaningful connections – the kids know I care and am interested in them, and they feel united as a class. I have seen unlikely friendships and interactions. I think there is a correlation between these interactions and their willingness to work for me, too. I had two of these students before, and they both failed. This time, they are passing and one is really excelling, which is very exciting for me to see as a teacher.” – Teacher at Cedar Ridge High School
Restorative Justice
Restorative Justice processes seek to find out what happened, what harm resulted, and what needs to be done to make things right. RJ involves as many stakeholders as needed, and focuses on accountability in a supportive environment. DSC is a member of the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council and serves youth facing criminal charges and as diversionary program for schools, law enforcement, and the greater community. We facilitate accountability processes, victim-offender conferences, and Circle Conferences.
“I remember being 15 in a car full of other boys when we ran over a mailbox. If not for the kindness and understanding of the homeowner and organizations like yours, I might have a criminal record today that would have prevented me from being a productive citizen with a career. Getting arrested, going to court, participating in mediation, and cleaning dog cages for community service to pay for a mailbox I destroyed was a humbling lesson that has resonated with me throughout my life. I hope these same lessons travel with this young woman as she continues her journey to maturity and adulthood.” – Father of victim
“I attended the Circle to help my son do the right thing and to show him that he is loved and supported. To help my child know that he made a mistake, he can move on.” – Parent Participant